Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rooting our self worth.

In problem solving you often want to find the root cause. One technique for doing that is using the "5 Whys" technique. This is a technique from lean manufacturing from toyota in the 70s, and more relevant to myself agile software development. However the technique is applicable everywhere....ask a question for which you want to find the root cause. Then keeping asking why till a root cause comes out. Sometimes you have to be a little smart in the "why" question but its mostly striaghtforward you may also need to ask "what caused that problem". Sometimes you may require more than 5 question, sometimes maybe less.

Anyways, one problem I see all the time is one of self worth. I'd be curiuos if people can introspectively do the 5 whys and find the root cause. And if not, what is the hardest part of the self reflection.

So :-

If you have no/little self worth, 5 whys?

If you have strong sense of self worth, 5 whys?

If people do this, and put their thinking on the comment system then i'll share my thoughts :-)

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