Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Enjoying Thinking

I've recently been having some really cool clarifying thoughts about software design. Not that I want to go into it on this blog but I more just wanted to comment on how cool it is to think lots on things and then have nice clarifying type thoughts.

So my next step is going to write down my thoughts which should also help sharpen my thinking and then I'll present them to a bunch of fellow software designers (Myself and a couple of others run an industry based group related to software development which is a great forum for presenting this kind of stuff).

But heres the kicker, the more you learn the more you realise there is to learn. There seems to be infinite ever increasing circles of understanding we go through. The consequence of that is we must always be in a state of "learning" and we need to question carefully the "truths" that we have learnt so far. One more circle of understanding could tear down those "truths" and open up new interpretations of everything we have learnt so far.

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