Sunday, March 19, 2006

Abortion in the Greenroom

The greenroom tonight asked if there are any situations that abortion is justified? I thought the show went quite well given the nature of the topic. It quickly brought out the "judging" christians who classed abortion as murder. Then it moved into various peoples experiences and then slowly talked more in terms of the human issues of supporting people who have to make those choices.

I noted that people threw the words "human life" around without much thought to what that means. Perhaps its just assumed that it means a "human person". But, that debate is pretty old..... what interests me more is the theological implications of some of what was discussed. For instance, rape. For a christian they have to be pretty happy with the concept that someones start in life is as a rapists child. That god intended them to be. Or are we completely random and god just loves whoever comes along?

Also, what of the babies that are aborted? or die at birth? Given that these babies are human then they have just got a free pass to heaven. They dont have to endure the pain and suffering of human life, they dont have to make choices or face temptation. Yet those of us who do get to grow up will get judged and either go to heaven or hell.... How's this fair? Why would any christians have children?

I also heard people talking about people who got medical advice to abort because they thought the child might be born with no head, the people prayed, went ahead, and the kid was fine. This is great, but I think its dangerous to assume god getting one over "medical science". It dosnt erase the fact there are lots of deformed babies, babies with complications, babies that kill their mothers, etc etc. Children of god.

To me this starts coming close to *one* of the *various* reasons why I dont believe in god. That it all seems more like survival of the fittest, genes trying to propagate from one generation to another with various levels of success. That human life is no more special than any other lifeform other than we got brains big enough to become self aware. There dosnt seem to be any divine influence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the world is harsh. I dont think its screwed up. It seems the world operates pretty much as it was designed to. Rape, deformities in offspring, difficulty in child birth, killing, etc, are not unique to humans so I have a hard time thinking that the fall of man corrupted all animal nature also. The nature of everything must of been *completely* different from how it is now if God created this world without pain or suffering. So, if it's screwed up, it seems to me, it's by design.