Monday, February 27, 2006

meta blog creation

Over the weekend (being disconnected to the net) I sat down and started writing some blogs, then found I came up with lots of blog entries in lots of of different subject area but they all kind of tie into a theme of perhaps "atheist wisdom". Either way, I have quite a few blogs planned and I'm really enjoying fleshing some of them out a bit more. I have no idea whos really reading any of it (only a few people at this stage) but its really just place to write down various idle thoughts I've had over time. Anyways, if you do see anything that you think is wrong, do comment. Also I am noticing Im wanting to highlight technical ideas without exploring the technical parts so much, just trying to pick out the possible implications and what it might mean about the nature of things. Anyone find any of my blogs interesting from this poin of view should do their own investigation into the idea. Also, if anyone has any technical, philosophical or scientific concept they really dont get....or just simple want an overview.....just drop a comment and i'd be a happy to explore it more.

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